Wednesday, August 12, 2009

New stock at Petco

Last night I went to my local Petco after not going there for several months. I was expecting the same old fish but to my surprise that wasn't the case. They had some rarities that you usually don't see in specialty shops, seasonal shipment perhaps? They had rams, three varieties! Gold rams, German Blues, and Bolivians! I wanted to take some home, but I didn't want to take the risk of them dying on me. They also had some pretty cool tetras, I forgot most of their names the coolest was probably the lemon tetra. They had halbeaks too, they were about an 1" long and only $1.99. These were tempting too but I figured that they would be difficult to keep considering that they probably need live food and might be a bit aggressive. I probably won't dive into them unless I find out what species they are. They are a very silvery color, like the type of silver seen on Hemigrammus rodwayi. There were many other fish which I don't seem to remember, I might go back next week to get myself some skunk cories and lemon tetras. Yesterday though I settled for a pair of red wag swordtails. I had been wanting some for a long time. I'm not an impulse buyer but if I were, I probably would've bought every new fish that I saw.

Another thing I noticed about this particular Petco is that they seem to be getting involved with planted tanks. They have always sold plants, even though lacking variety, they do have rarities from time to time. I got my Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens, Hygrophila difformis, and Microsorum pteropus from them. The first two I couldn't find anywhere else which tells you something about big box chain stores, they aren't always bad. Best of all bunch plants are just $2.99 no matter how rare they might be.

They now sell about 6 different types of substrates especially made for planted tanks along with some fertilizers and simple CO2 systems. It wasn't really impressive although I do hope it gets better with time.

As for my tanks, nothing too exciting happening. I did find some wild Hydrocotyle though, finally! I put some in my ten gallon and waiting for it to take off. I'm sure it will thrive.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting post.!! It seems that you got a good surprise at Petco. Well, Petco is my favorite store for pet supplies.
