Saturday, November 21, 2009

Oh No!

I wish I had a pictorial update, but that will have to wait until I get new batteries for my camera. The potassium deficiency has finally been taken care of, my plants' leaves no longer die! Everything hasn't gone as expected though. This morning when I was about to feed my fish I noticed a white milky film on the surface of the 10 gallon, I at first thought the filter stopped working. I looked at the flow and no it wasn't that. As I was looking at the flow I noticed a couple of dead tetras floating belly-up right next to the heater. I looked around for the rest. None of them were swimming about so I was expecting the worst and sure enough I found the rest of the tetras between the plants. I knew for a fact that it wasn't the water because I always keep it in top shape and it couldn't go bad over night. The only other culprit could be the temperature. I checked the thermometer and it was at 92ºF! In total 11 fish died: 4 glowlights; 5 black neons; 1 otocinclus; and 1 baby swordtail. That's pretty much the whole population. The only survivors were the two adult swordtails, one of their babies, an otocinclus and the lot of red cherry shrimp. I still don't know if I will go buy more tetras especially when I have no money. I certainly don't want to add guppies which is the only fish I have an excess of. Maybe this will be the perfect time to give neon tetras a fourth chance. Or maybe not, they are always prone to die within the week even if I drip acclimate them. How about trading in some guppies for store credit and get some tetras with that? Plausible.

I seriously don't know what went wrong. The heater isn't faulty, the temperature went back down to its normal range of 78ºF after adjusting it. I'm thinking that I unexpectedly turned the knob last night when I was fiddling with the lights resulting in inadvertently making fish soup. I will miss my fish.

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